Excalidoc vs. Notion
Make the Smarter Choice
All the features you love, none of the limitations
Unlimited users included
No per-seat pricing
Enterprise features standard
Small Team (5 users)
Save $35/mo
vs Notion Team plan
Growing Team (15 users)
Save $135/mo
vs Notion Team plan
Large Team (50 users)
Save $735/mo
vs Notion Business plan
Our Platform
- Real-time collaborationEdit together in perfect sync
- Share via private linksSecurely share with anyone
- Export/ImportFull HTML/JSON/Markdown support
- Unlimited seats✨ One price, unlimited team membersNo per-user pricing, ever
- Unlimited workspaces🚀 Create as many as you needPerfect for multiple projects/teams
- 100GB storage/workspace💎 Generous storage includedNo nickel-and-diming for space
- Unlimited guests✨ Collaborate with anyoneInvite unlimited external collaborators
- Custom brandingMake it yours with custom logos
- Version historyNever lose your work
- Document commentsRich collaboration tools
- Custom domainYour brand, your domain
- Priority support❤️ We're here when you need usFast, friendly support included
- Enterprise SSOSecure authentication
- Real-time collaborationEdit together in perfect sync
- Share via private linksSecurely share with anyone
- Export/ImportFull HTML/JSON/Markdown support
- Unlimited seatsNo per-user pricing, ever
- Unlimited workspacesPerfect for multiple projects/teams
- 100GB storage/workspaceNo nickel-and-diming for space
- Unlimited guestsInvite unlimited external collaborators
- Custom brandingMake it yours with custom logos
- Version historyNever lose your work
- Document commentsRich collaboration tools
- Custom domainYour brand, your domain
- Priority supportFast, friendly support included
- Enterprise SSOSecure authentication
Seamless Migration from Notion
Our dedicated team will help you migrate your entire workspace for free. Switch today and join thousands of happy teams who made the move.
Talk to our migration team